What is the OGB Flexible Benefits plan?

The OGB Flexible Benefits plan allows you to pay for certain benefits before your money is taxed. So, for example, with a flexible benefit plan you can transfer money out of every paycheck and put it in a flexible spending arrangement account before it’s taxed.

Active employees of agencies participating in an OGB Flexible Benefits Plan may enroll in one or several Flexible Benefits Plan options:

General Purpose Health Care Flexible Spending Arrangement (GPFSA)

The GPFSA option allows an employee to use pre-tax dollars to pay eligible out-of-pocket medical, dental and vision care expenses for the employee, their spouse and any other federal tax dependents. An employee cannot participate in the GPFSA and the Health Savings Account (HSA) options at the same time. This is a HIPAA-excepted benefits plan. You must re-enroll each year if you wish to continue participation.

Limited-Purpose Dental/Vision Flexible Spending Arrangement (LPFSA)

The LPFSA option allows an employee to use pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible out-of-pocket dental and vision expenses only. An employee cannot participate in the GPFSA and the LPFSA options at the same time. However, an employee who enrolls in the Pelican Health Savings Account (HSA) 775 can participate in the LPFSA option. This is a HIPAA-excepted benefits option. You must re-enroll each year if you wish to continue participation.

Dependent Care Flexible Spending Arrangement (DCFSA)

A Dependent Care FSA allows you to set aside pre-tax money to pay for dependent child care or sitting expenses while you’re at work. Dependents include your young children under the age of 13 in daycare and elderly or disabled dependents, who cannot care for themselves. You must re-enroll each year if you wish to continue participation.

Health Savings Account (HSA)

A Health Savings Account, or HSA, is an employee-owned account used to pay for qualified medical expenses, including deductibles, medical co-pays, prescriptions and other eligible medical, dental and vision costs.

For more HSA information, click here.

For more information on these options, click here.


Premium Conversion is automatic for all employees, who are employed by those agencies who participate in an OGB Flexible Benefits Plan. By enrollment in an OGB health plan, life insurance, and/or a voluntary/statewide product that is eligible for pre-tax deductions, employees are automatically enrolled in the Premium Conversion option. Employees must re-enroll each year in the GPFSA, LPFSA, and DCFSA, if they want to continue participation. Employees must re-enroll in the GPFSA, LPFSA, and DCFSA, each year during Annual Enrollment, if they want to continue participation.


Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC) is OGB’s third-party administrator for the flexible spending arrangement (FSA). Participants may call TASC at the dedicated Customer Service number of 844-237-9222, or visit online at https://www.tasconline.com/.